New bath sets

The new kits feature a completely new and sophisticated look for the control mechanisms, combining modern design and functionality with ergonomics.

The extra flat filling, only 22 mm deep, satisfies even the most demanding aesthetic requirements.

The adjustable aerator allows you to achieve different effects of the water falling into the bath:

  • Silent mode - water flows down the tub wall, ensuring a silent flow of water.
  • Foaming mode - water hits the edge of the bottom, causing a slight foaming of the surface.
  • MAX Foaming - tilting the aerator to its maximum position results in an extra fluffy and foamy water bath.

An important technical feature of these siphons is the rack and pinion control, which makes the control easier to operate and also protects the mechanism from damage should you accidentally step on the stopper. Bath set lengths from 600 mm to 1200 mm allow fitting to any type of bath. Available in white, matt black and chrome.

You can find the complete range of bath traps on Bath drain sets page.